Thursday, August 11, 2005

Stħarriġ Filosofiku I

"Garcin: But I wanted to show my colors. My true colors, do you understand?"
- Jean-Paul Sartre, No Exit

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- Pestizz - aw xi Pestizz alija?

* Daddy45 has left #malta

- Pestizz - kemm aw Pestizzi awn?

- Pestizz - hadd ma jitkelem

- gameover^28m - xi 3 aw

- Pestizz - hehe

- gameover^28m - u 4 zkuk

- Pestizz - il istja!

- Pestizz - ana bzon pestizz ihor tuuuu

- Pestizz - uuuuuuuuuu anke 5

- Pestizz - 2 al kull wiehed uwx

- Nausea - u morru aqraw ktieb tajjeb!

- Nausea - qiskom boloh

- gameover^28m - min tkellem!?

- Nausea - tahlu l- hin hawn u trattbu mohhkom!

- Pestizz - nirra taqbdek in- Nausea!

- Pestizz - lanqas ticajta isa ma tista!

* DarreNugz2 is now known as darrenugz

- Pestizz - int itlaq la qed intuk fsormok

- maichel^borg - veru

- Pestizz - jew itfi l-iscreen

- gameover^28m - ghandek Nausea, mur instabat ma hajt!

- Nausea - I can't say I feel relieved or satisfied, just the opposite, I am crushed

* lover has joined #malta

- Pestizz - indunajt ta

* ESTY`FRUMOAS is now known as ESTY`SEXXY

- gameover^28m - minnek ek vera

- Pestizz - ax nausejanti int

* witchCraft has joined #malta

- Pestizz - jahasra ha xi line dan

- gameover^28m - looool

- Pestizz - kien naqra twil nahseb!

- Pestizz - haha

- gameover^28m - huhuhuhuhu

- gameover^28m - miskin

- Pestizz - min mohhu

- gameover^28m - nahseb mar ghand tabib ta

- Pestizz - jew mar igerrih

- Pestizz - hihihihihi

- gameover^28m - lol

- Nausea - me?

- Pestizz - leeeeeeeeeee me muhahahahahah

- Nausea - I was just thinking... that here we sit, all of us, eating and drinking to preserve our precious existence and really there is nothing, nothing absolutely no reason for existing.

- Pestizz - alik imma

- gameover^28m - nauseatiku ta veru xbin

- Pestizz - al hadd ihor awn

- Ataru - mela tija ghal isfel u nehilsu minnek

* lonelyf has joined #malta

- peppino - well not really i am actually quite happy that i am alive..

- Ataru - so why dont u suicide ur self and leave us alone

* guycaring has joined #malta

- peppino - yeah Ataru raises a good point

- Nausea - no one, absolutely no one, would be moved by my death... I would be more alone in death than in life

- Ataru - mard tak mohh lol

- Vampire_Jan - lol try it maybe we will

- Ataru - In here we live

- gameover^28m - aaahhhh

- Nausea - My thought is me: that's why I can't stop. I exist because I think... and I can't stop myself from thinking

- Pestizz - dan minn fejn inqala illum?

- Nausea - At this very moment - it's frightful - if I exist, it is because I am horrified at existing. I am the one who pulls myself from the nothingness to which I aspire.

- Pestizz - ara insibom ta jien

- Ataru - stop from bugin us and go alone by ur self!

- gameover^28m - min fejn waqa?

- Pestizz - x’depretion andek man

- guycaring - aw xi mara bis sens?

- gameover^28m - gays aw?

- Nausea - I am. I am. I exist, I think, therefore I am; I am because I think that I don't want to be

- guycaring - dan min hu?

- guycaring - xi breakdown andek man!!

- Pestizz - nahseb meta harguh min *xx mmu zelqilom u gie fuq mohhu jien

- Pestizz - alekk qijed ekk

- gameover^28m - vera jixraqlek il nick Nausea ta man!

- guycaring - jider gravi

- Pestizz - iva mela mela hi, miskin nikumpatuh ux

- gameover^28m - vera gravi ta veru

- Pestizz - mawnx tabib alih

- gameover^28m - le miskin

- Nausea - for me there is neither Monday nor Sunday: there are days which pass in disorder...

- Pestizz - mela qijad sew!

- guycaring - u vera disorder mohhok

- gameover^28m - loool

- Pestizz - qed najdilkom dan ha xi 4 lines zejda

- guycaring - hahahahahah

- Nausea - I live alone, entirely alone. I never speak to anyone, never; I receive nothing, I give nothing...

- peppino - ok fine if i give you something will you go away?

- guycaring - u zgur! min iz- z bb irid joqod mieghek!

- Pestizz - mela hi amili pjacir u tkelimnix!

- gameover^28m - eee ghalek mela

- Pestizz - ax qallajtli ras gismi!

- guycaring - ara vera fdan ic- channel kollha gravi

- Nausea - Objects should not touch because they are not alive. You use them, put them back in place, you live among them. They are useful nothing more. But they touch me, it is unbearable. I am afraid of being in contact with them as though they were living beasts! :(

- Pestizz - iva hi memx xtamel

- gameover^28m - ara siehbi mur go car u suq al go hajt

- Pestizz - ijja sewwa atilkom bil- provi issa!

- Pestizz - dan ha 4 lines zejda

- gameover^28m - jider fi car

- Pestizz - qed jara l- ogetti jmisuh!

- Nausea - People who live in society have learned to see themselves in mirrors as they appear to their friends

- Pestizz - dak l- effett tahhom

- Nausea - Is that why my flesh is naked?

- PiRaCyZlijP - Nausea your are so Nauseating

- guycaring - caw ghalikom

- Pestizz - caw hi

- Nausea - the Nausea is not inside me: I feel it out there in the wall, in the suspenders, everywhere around me

- gameover^28m - x'jibat aaallllla

- Pestizz - laqas temen!

- Nausea - It makes itself one with the cafe!!!

* guycaring has quit IRC (Quit)

- Nausea - I am the one who is within it...

- Pestizz - dak amel sew telaq

- gameover^28m - nahseb veru, aw dwejjaq!

- Nausea - The Nausea has not left me and I don't believe it will leave me so soon; but I no longer have to bear it, it is no longer an illness or a passing fit: it is I

* TrOuB|e^F has quit IRC (Quit)

- Pestizz - waqaf dan jekk alla irid

- gameover^28m - ahjar man hallih ax jerga jibda!

- Nausea - I exist. It's sweet, so sweet, so slow. :)

- PiRaCyZlijP - lolll

- gameover^28m - haqqallllaaaa

- Pestizz - f*xx in- nauseatika ommu, dan xi jkun?

- Nausea - And light: you'd think it floated all by itself. It stirs. It brushes by me, melts and vanishes!

- Pestizz - rega qabad ostja!

- Ataru - dak xeba kanna ghandu bzon

- BaD^BoI - Nausea you are one big sick f'uck

- Vampire_Jan - you should start writing poetry, that might help Nausea

- PiRaCyZlijP - bhal ruzar briffa!

- BaD^BoI - or more simple... get a life :) hehe

- Vampire_Jan - yea that would be helpful too

* Ditto has joined #malta

- Bassic_M - yeah well if he starts writing best is if he destroys all he rights so no one will have to suffer having to hear his nonsense

- Ataru - Nausea if ur a fem i have somethin for u to wake u up lol

- kind^21m - anyone feels like chatting?

- Nausea - I am all alone, but I march like a regiment descending on a city... I am full of anguish: the slightest movement irks me

- BaD^BoI - Nausea xint dipressat man

- Bassic_M - who gives a f*** Nausea, if you're so depressed and just want to keep on putting yourself down, do it on your own

- PiRaCyZlijP - haha xinu sadistic!

- tikets - Tiesto tikets 4 sale!

- fr3aky_bfast - aw dan harab min hattard nahseb ta

- BaD^BoI - ghandek bzonn xi p'ufta jissodomizzak loool

- Ataru - nausea needs to be raped hard u hemm tibza zgur!

- Nausea - Existence is what I am afraid of

- fr3aky_bfast - mela de-exist :)

- Pestizz - mandekx xtamel man

- Nausea - I exist, that's all. And that trouble is so vague, so metaphysical that I am ashamed of it!

* peppino gets a gun and shoots Nausea

- iL- LejDi - Nausea good. Die!!

- gameover^28m - rega ha line

- Pestizz - nahseb

- BaD^BoI - aw l- imgienen malta ux lol

- PiRaCyZlijP - hehehe

- fr3aky_bfast - Nausea u need help lemme give u honest advice

- fr3aky_bfast - take a ride to dingli cliffs

- fr3aky_bfast - u wont exist anymore and solve all ur fears and problems

- PiRaCyZlijP - take a trip to dingli cliffs if you pass go collect 200

- Nausea - Death is a continuation of my life without me…

- Juveee28 - looool

- PiRaCyZlijP - your death will be a relief for us Nausea

- Vampire_Jan - if u're not living we wont be so tired of listening to this s*it

- BaD^BoI - jew ithol patri u sib xi abbati :)

- fr3aky_bfast - rip Nausea!

- Pestizz - alek kien waqaf bix jihu line

- Nausea - If you existed, you had to exist all the way, as far as mouldness, bloatedness, obscenity were concerned...

- Pestizz - andek ragun man

- Pestizz - andek ragun

* LUV`YA`DEAR is now known as FARA`BLONDE

- Pestizz - imma issa alaq halqek

- Pestizz - ha najdu xi haga bis sens

- Nausea - To exist is simply to be there; those who exist let themselves be encountered, but you can never deduce anything from them.

- gameover^28m - tinkwita xejn daqt jigi it tabib ta sabih!

- Nausea - I believe that there are people who have understood this. Only they tried to overcome this contingency by inventing a necessary, causal being

- Pestizz - ha jkompli!

- Ataru - nahseb nausea niqes mis-sess

- iL- LejDi - lol

- BaD^BoI - ghandu bzonn xi nittiena da Nausea turih xini il hajja looool

- iL- LejDi - Nausea what happened 2u a? u hit ur head or sumthin?

- PiRaCyZlijP - lol

- BaD^BoI - namlu gabra nhalsulu q'ahba? lol

- ^ZgEnDu^ - aw xi wahda free jew?

- PiRaCyZlijP - le kolla fuq is second qedin

- PiRaCyZlijP - x kuragg ittuh qed najd miskom tahdmu ma dar l appogg jew ekk intom

- PiRaCyZlijP - u le dak xeba kalmanti jigi ok

- fr3aky_bfast - klamanti iktar aghaar ax jibqa jeqred

- fr3aky_bfast - speed ha jqum min emm u jistabat ma ximkin lol

- Ataru - dak xeba tajba ghandu bzonn thalih tal-post

- Ataru - jew daqqa ta xi ostja

- PiRaCyZlijP - haha u le ttih ammont bizzejjed bix ma jitniffisx

- fr3aky_bfast - allura tihh tikka iktar ha tehilsu mid dwejjaq

- PiRaCyZlijP - ok ha nibda jien mela, uff dil hajja alix qed nejxa

- PiRaCyZlijP - lol

- Pestizz - idhlu #hbib_bis- sens

* Pestizz was kicked by PizuLonely (No Advertisments, 1hr TempBan [13601] [21/104])

- gameover^28m - fejn baqa tabib aw 1 gravi

* ^swt^lover^^ has joined #malta

- gameover^28m - mmmmm dak amel sew

* hot^babe has quit IRC (Quit)

- Nausea - heh, every existing thing is born without reason, prolongs itself out of weakness, and dies by chance

- gameover^28m - nixtiqlek fejqan ta malajr

- fr3aky_bfast - Nausea when d fk r u goin to giv up ranitng ur bullsh*t

- Nausea - I am going to outlive myself. Eat, sleep, sleep, eat. Exist slowly, softly, like these trees, like a puddle of water

- PiRaCyZlijP - haha

- Nausea - like the red bench in the streetcar

- fr3aky_g3rl - Nausea u need to get layed and shut up

- PiRaCyZlijP - hehe eat sleep sex ? mux ta bxejn imdejjaq

- iL- LejDi - like a useless slacker u mean Nausea

- rassac - any fem 28 yrs old?

- fr3aky_g3rl - dan imdejjaq ta veru

- fr3aky_g3rl - dan strejt jacket andu bzonn

- fr3aky_g3rl - kantun miew u jitfawh il bahar lol

- Juveee28 - niralla jhasru!

- BaD^BoI - ghandu bzonn siringa dan qisu ..... biex jinsa naqa mid dwejjaq li ghandu lool

- Nausea - I hadn't the right to exist. I appeared by chance, I exited like a stone, a plant or a microbe. My life put out feelers towards small pleasures in every direction. Sometimes it sent out vague signals

* Metal^Head has joined #malta

- PiRaCyZlijP - die like a microbe then

- Nausea - at other times, I felt nothing more than a harmless buzzzzzzzzinng

- fr3aky_g3rl - Nausea and we really cudnt care less

- IL- Ma_JJ_aL - nausia ..... andek bzonn hbula? xfafar? u xi center taz zewc?

* fr3aky_g3rl tafas mute lil Nausea

- iL- LejDi - Nausea it would really help if you type /part malta

- PiRaCyZlijP - u dan adu filodu qijad hazin mela filaxija kif jigi!

- iL- LejDi - leeee xejn sew!

- Nausea - I exist. It's sweet, so sweet, so slow. And light: you'd think it floated all by itself :(

- iL- LejDi - :P

- IL- Ma_JJ_aL - Nausea jekk ha tibqa sejjer hekk ha naqbad il- vizzju tal- labra

- Nausea - To do something is to create existence - and there is quite enough existence a sit is.

- fr3aky_g3rl - and to shut up is to create peace for all of us

- fr3aky_g3rl - please do :)

- iL- LejDi - Nausea exactly. so don’t do anything

- iL- LejDi - don’t even type

- iL- LejDi - it will create existence

- iL- LejDi - and u don’t want that, hux!?

- Nausea - The true nature of the present revealed itself: it was what exists, and all that was not present did not exist

- Nausea - the past did not exist. Not at all. Not in things, not even in my thought.

- Nausea - The past is a landlord's luxury. Where shall I keep mine? You don't put your past in your pocket; you have to have a house. I have only my body: a man entirely aloen, with his lonely body, cannot indulge in memories; they pass through him

- fr3aky_g3rl - Nausea mur ixxi kaxxa speed ajd

- Nausea - I should not complain: all I wanted was to be free...

- Nausea - I am alone in this white, garden- rimmed street. Alone and free. But this freedom is rather like death.

- iL- LejDi - kalmanti u mean

- fr3aky_g3rl - jin ngihd da xi iwhed ma andux xjamel ta

- Nausea - they will have to find something else to veil the enormous absurdity of their existence. it absolutely necessary to lie?

* gameover^28m has left #malta

- iL- LejDi - isn’t it against the rules to annoy a whole channel? lol

- Nausea - The Nausea has not left me and I don't believe it will leave me so soon; but I no longer have to bear it...

- Nausea - it is no longer an illness or a passing fit: it is I :(

- Metal^Head - Nausea please do us a favor, keep your feeling for you self or just leave this channel

- Is_sunshine - hawn xi m bejn 12- 20 irid gf? basta jkelmuni dawk li ghandom pic u mhux joqodu jaqilu storja fuq min jibatu lewwel, mhux mohhom fis sex u hamallagni, u iridu jkunu cajtiera

- Nausea - I am. I am. I exist, I think, therefore I am; I am because I think that I don't want to be!

- fr3aky_g3rl - ha jqabadni depression li andu hu

- M25 - all i need is loveeeeeeeee rtaratatata all i need is love is love love is only nedddddddddddddddddddddddddd

- Nausea - hey, things are bad! Things are very bad: I have it, the filth, the Nausea!!

* DREAMS - sets mode: +b *!*@

* You were kicked by DREAMS - (Out you go!)

* Attempting to rejoin channel #malta

* Unable to join channel (address is banned)

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"Inez: Remember you're not alone; you've got no right to inflict the sight of your fear on me." - Jean-Paul Sartre, No Exit

Mużika: Am I Going Insane? - Black Sabbath