Saturday, October 08, 2005

Stħarriġ il-Jien (1)

Int ikklassifikajt bħala Eżistenzjalist.

L-Eżistenzjaliżmu jisħaq fuq il-kapacità umana. M'hemm l-ebda poter ikbar minna li jfixkel lill-ħajja u għalhekk hu f'idejna li nilħqu l-milja tagħna. Minkejja li din ġieli titqies filosofija negattiva u deprimenti, l-ottimiżmu tiegħek dwar il-potenzjal uman huwa immens.Ġens il-bniedem huwa kkundannat li jkun liberu u għandu jġorr r-responsabilità.









Kreattiv Kulturali








X'inhija l-filosofija tiegħek? (aġġornat)

Mużika: Innuendo – Queen

(Waħda mill-akbar stqarrijiet eżistenzjalisti stoiċi li nkitbu. Din hija stedina lil bniedem biex jiffaċċja t-traġedja umana b’determinazzjoni Spartana. Kulħadd huwa mistieden.
Ma nafux imnejn ġejjin. Ma nifhmux hawn fejn qegħdin. Ma nafux lil fejn sejrin. Sa minn twelidna diġà mejtin. Iżda sa mewtna dejjem ħajjin. Iva, sakemm indumu hawn, se nibqgħu nippruvaw. Ikun xi jkun imbagħad naraw.

Ħatab: 6

Blogger Antoine Cassar qal/qalet...

Grazzi tal-kollegament, Kevin. Interessanti hafna l-kwizz, u mid-dehra, mahsub tajjeb. Jien ghadni kemm ghamiltu u naqbel mar-rizultati:

You scored as Postmodernist.

Postmodernism is the belief in complete open interpretation. You see the universe as a collection of information with varying ways of putting it together. There is no absolute truth for you; even the most hardened facts are open to interpretation. Meaning relies on context and even the language you use to describe things should be subject to analysis.

Postmodernist 100%
Cultural Creative 81%
Existentialist 75%
Materialist 75%
Modernist 44%
Romanticist 44%
Idealist 31%
Fundamentalist 31%

Issa ha mmur inkompli nistudja...

2:23 am  
Blogger Antoine Cassar qal/qalet...

Mhux ta' b'xejn Italo Calvino huwa wiehed mill-awturi favoriti tieghi u li nhobb nara d-dinja u t-test (u tista' tghid kollox) bhala muzajk...

2:25 am  
Blogger noel tanti qal/qalet...

iehor mohhu f'zokortu... :P

7:11 am  
Blogger Erezija qal/qalet...

Are tieghi!!!!

You scored as Cultural Creative.

Cultural Creatives are probably the newest group to enter this realm. You are a modern thinker who tends to shy away from organized religion but still feels as if there is something greater than ourselves. You are very spiritual, even if you are not religious. Life has a meaning outside of the rational.

Cultural Creative 100%
Existentialist 50%
Postmodernist 50%
Idealist 44%
Modernist 38%
Fundamentalist 38%
Materialist 31%
Romanticist 19%

8:55 am  
Blogger Arcibald qal/qalet...

X'imkien hemm qieghed ukoll jien. Interessanti.

You scored as Postmodernist.

Postmodernism is the belief in complete open interpretation. You see the universe as a collection of information with varying ways of putting it together. There is no absolute truth for you; even the most hardened facts are open to interpretation. Meaning relies on context and even the language you use to describe things should be subject to analysis.

Postmodernist 75%
Cultural Creative 69%
Materialist 69%
Modernist 50%
Romanticist 50%
Fundamentalist 38%
Existentialist 31%
Idealist 13%

9:05 am  
Blogger Roderick Mallia qal/qalet...

Jien eżistenzjalist ieħor.

11:29 pm  

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