Sunday, October 26, 2008

Saudade Existencial

“There is, in fact, no way back either to the wolf or to the child. From the very start there is no innocence and no singleness. Every created thing, even the simplest, is already guilty, already multiple. It has been thrown into the muddy stream of being and may never more swim back again to its source. The way to innocence, to the uncreated and to God leads on, not back, not back to the wolf or to the child, but ever further into sin, ever deeper into human life... All birth means separation from the All, the confinement within limitation, the separation from God, the pangs of being born ever anew. The return into the All, the dissolution of painful individuation, the reunion with God means the expansion of the soul until it is able once more to embrace the All.” - Hermann Hesse

“Fis-sewwa, m’hemm l-ebda triq lura, la lejn il-lupu u lanqas lejn it-tifel. Sa mill-bidunett, la hemm innoċenza u lanqas singularità. Kull ħaġa maħluqa, anke dik l-iżjed sempliċi, diġà hija ħatja, diġà hija multipla. Ladarba tkun intefgħet fil-fluss imtajjen ta' l-essri, ma tkun tista’ qatt terġa’ tgħum lura lejn is-sors tagħha. It-triq lejn l-innoċenza, versu l-istat mhux maħluq u lejn Alla, ma twassalx lura, le, ma twassalx lura lejn il-lupu jew lejn it-tifel, iżda iżjed ’il ġewwa fid-dnub, iżjed ’l isfel fil-ħajja umana... Kull twelid ifisser firda mill-Assolut, il-ħbis fiċ-ċokon, il-firda minn Alla, l-ispażmi ta' twelid li jibqa' għaddej għal dejjem. Ir-ritorn fl-Assolut, it-taħlil ta’ l-individwalizzazzjoni doloruża, it-twaħħida mill-ġdid ma’ Alla, jikkonsistu f’li r-ruħ titwessa’ u titwessa’ sakemm tkun tista’ terġa’ titħaddan mill-ġdid ma’ l-Assolut.” – Hermann Hesse

Mużika: Piano Concerto No. 23 in A Major, KV488: Adagio (parti) - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart