Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Tazza tad-Dinja 2006
Well done boys!

"And here we are again...I'm sorry for the team, the squad and the fans who were fantastic. They deserve to have a team in the semi-final or the final... I must say they fought enormously when it was 10 against 11. We started the second half very well and controlled the game exactly what we wanted to do. Then there was the sending off. We held the game up very well and lost on penalties again and I'm really sorry about that. I don't think we deserved to lose and I think the boys deserved better. But we lost the game and went out of the tournament and that hurts incredibly." qalilna Sven. U hekk hu. Forsi ma setax qalha aħjar.

Ir-ritratt ta' hawn taħt jiġbor fil-qosor iżda b'mod preċiż kif ninsab sewwasew f'dan il-mument: iddispjaċut, iżda daqstant ieħor kburi. M'għandix wisq xi nżid, ħlief ngħid prosit tassew lit-tim nazzjonali Ngliż tal-wirja kbira li ta nhar is-Sibt, minkejja l-ħafna ċirkostanzi xejn favorevoli tas-soltu. Issa drajna, u forsi rabbejna xi ftit qoxra wkoll. Hold on. It happens to the best of us...

Madankollu, il-ħajja bħall-ballun: tonda u ddur, l-ewwel tieqaf u mbagħad tkompli, u sejrin. Hi wkoll xi ftit kiefra u redikola, u kemmxejn assurda wkoll... bħall-injuries ta' Michael Owen u ta' David Beckham, u bħat-tkeċċija ta' Wayne Rooney, fost bosta oħrajn...

Imma issa ħallina minn dan. Niltaqgħu mill-ġdid fil-kampjonat Ewropew sentejn oħra fl-Awstrija u fl-Iżvizzera (fejn ninsab proprju dal-ħin), u din id-darba b'ġenerazzjoni oħra ta' kalċaturi, u wkoll taħt it-tmun ta' kaptani oħrajn ġodda.

Intant, show must go on, so let's get back to business...

Mużika: A Pain That I Am Used To - Depeche Mode
(Lil Stuart Pearce, Chris Waddle, Gareth Southgate, Paul Ince, David Batty, David Beckham, Darius Vassell, Frank Lampard, Steven Gerrard u Jamie Carragher - I know, it´s the same old S.O.S.... Life is a pigsty... but it’s a pain that I am used to...)