Tassew fattibbli - dinja naqra aħjar hi possibbli
Things can only get better
F'din il-bloggata qiegħed nirroproduċi verbatim stqarrija għall-istampa reċenti mill-Membru Parlamentari Laburista Ingliż, John McDonnell, li din il-ġimgħa ħabbar li biħsiebu jikkontesta l-kariga ta' Mexxej tal-Partit.
Ilqajt din l-istqarrija bil-ferħa, b'xi ftit nostalġija, u b'ħafna u ħafna tama. Għaldaqstant nixtieq naqsamha magħkom. Għal iżjed tagħrif, tista' tara wkoll is-sit uffiċjali tal-kampanja ta' John McDonnell fuq www.john4leader.org.uk.
"It is becoming increasingly apparent that Tony Blair will announce his resignation as leader of the Labour party over the next 12 -18 months.
Some have argued that instead of an open democratic election for the leader of the party, there should be a smooth transition or virtual coronation of his successor.
This would deny party members the opportunity of openly debating the issues facing our party and the future direction of the country.
An election for the leader of the party will allow for a democratic debate on the future of Labour.
Therefore, following increasing demands from various sections of the movement, I have decided to declare myself as a candidate for the leadership of the Labour party as soon as the present incumbent retires.
To be clear this is not a so-called 'stalking horse' candidature but a serious challenge for the leadership of the party when a vacancy occurs.
I am standing to ensure that thousands of Labour party members and supporters have the chance to participate in deciding not only who should be the next leader of our party but more importantly what policies the party should be pursuing.
There are many that feel the party has lost its way. Many of the policies being pursued in government have broken up the broad coalition of support Labour has relied upon throughout its history to bring it to power.
New Labour has systematically alienated section after section of our supporters - teachers, health workers, students, pensioners, public service workers, trade unionists and people committed to the environment, civil liberties and peace. Spin and allegations of sleaze are causing decent people to lose trust in our party.
This is reflected in lost votes, lost elections, lost members and a Labour prime minister having to rely upon Conservative votes in parliament to force through legislation.
There are growing calls from across the party for change. We need to rebuild a progressive consensus, inspiring and giving people hope that another world is possible. We need those who have turned away from Labour to come back home.
For the first time in decades people no longer feel they have a political voice. This campaign is a challenge to the present political consensus.
I will now seek support from all sections of the movement. At next Saturday's conference of the Labour representation committee we will debate the policies needed by a real Labour government and the way in which we can reinvigorate democratic participation in the party.
From September this campaign will be travelling the country, convening meetings face to face with party members, supporters and the general public to discuss the issues facing us. We will be urging those thousands of Labour party members who have left the party to rejoin and those who are no longer active supporters to re-engage.
We are launching a campaign website today and we will use every possible means of communication and new technology to stimulate this debate and get our message across.
The campaign will be waged in an open, comradely and friendly manner based upon a debate on the policies not personalities.
Let the debate begin."
Nittama li l-kampanja li nieda McDonnell din il-ġimgħa tkun biss il-bidu tat-tiġdid tal-kawża tal-klassi tal-ħaddiema Ingliża, u wkoll, ta' dak il-ftit li għad fadal mill-Partit Laburista Ingliż.
Nispera wkoll li s-suċċess ferm mixtieq ta' din il-kampanja jirriżulta, illum qabel għada, f'bidla radikali fil-politika barranija ta' l-Ingilterra, b'mod speċjali f'dak li għandu x'jaqsam mat-tmiem darba għal dejjem ta' din l-alleanza politika Anglosassona, li qiegħda kullmajmur ittappan dejjem iżjed il-prospetti ta' xi ftit inqas diżordni u inġustizzji fil-komunità u l-affarijiet internazzjonali.
U nittama wkoll, li John McDonnell, ma jiddiżappuntaniex kif għoġbu jagħmel Tony Blair, u li għall-inqas jerġa' jieħu l-Partit tal-Ħaddiema Ingliż lura fl-għeruq xellugin tiegħu. Meta wieħed iqis il-kriżi attwali li baqgħet baqgħet sakemm qerdet għalkollox ir-raison d'être ta' dan il-partit, din weħidha diġà tkun biċċa xogħol liema bħalha. Minn hemm imbagħad nimxu.
M'għadnix nistenna wisq mirakli. M'għadnix nistenna li nilmaħ ix-xemx wisq sabiħa tiela' mil-Lvant. Hija realtà ostili li jkolli ngħix biha. Veru, ridt jew ma ridtx ħtieġli nistenbaħ mill-Ħolma. Iżda xorta għadni nemmen li dinja naqra aħjar hi tassew possibbli.
Is-sitwazzjoni attwali fir-Renju Unit u lil hinn mhix daqstant promettenti. Jekk niġu f'dan lanqas f'art twelidna. Aktarx lura wisq ma tantx nistgħu mmorru. Mela forsi issa things can only get better.
Mużika: Things Can Only Get Better - D:Ream
(Ironikament, din hija l-istess sigla li kien uża Tony Blair fl-1997, meta kien rebaħ l-ewwel elezzjoni tiegħu. Din mhix xi silta li togħġobni wisq, iżda naraha ferm adattata għal din il-bloggata. Niddedika din is-silta lis-Soċjalisti kollha madwar id-dinja, speċjalment lil sieħbi minn Spanja Pablo Sanchez, li jaħdem f'Londra mar-rivista Socialist Appeal, il-vuċi Marxista fi ħdan il-Moviment Laburista Ingliż. Socialismo y libertad Pablo!).
Ilqajt din l-istqarrija bil-ferħa, b'xi ftit nostalġija, u b'ħafna u ħafna tama. Għaldaqstant nixtieq naqsamha magħkom. Għal iżjed tagħrif, tista' tara wkoll is-sit uffiċjali tal-kampanja ta' John McDonnell fuq www.john4leader.org.uk.
"It is becoming increasingly apparent that Tony Blair will announce his resignation as leader of the Labour party over the next 12 -18 months.
Some have argued that instead of an open democratic election for the leader of the party, there should be a smooth transition or virtual coronation of his successor.
This would deny party members the opportunity of openly debating the issues facing our party and the future direction of the country.
An election for the leader of the party will allow for a democratic debate on the future of Labour.
Therefore, following increasing demands from various sections of the movement, I have decided to declare myself as a candidate for the leadership of the Labour party as soon as the present incumbent retires.
To be clear this is not a so-called 'stalking horse' candidature but a serious challenge for the leadership of the party when a vacancy occurs.
I am standing to ensure that thousands of Labour party members and supporters have the chance to participate in deciding not only who should be the next leader of our party but more importantly what policies the party should be pursuing.
There are many that feel the party has lost its way. Many of the policies being pursued in government have broken up the broad coalition of support Labour has relied upon throughout its history to bring it to power.

This is reflected in lost votes, lost elections, lost members and a Labour prime minister having to rely upon Conservative votes in parliament to force through legislation.
There are growing calls from across the party for change. We need to rebuild a progressive consensus, inspiring and giving people hope that another world is possible. We need those who have turned away from Labour to come back home.
For the first time in decades people no longer feel they have a political voice. This campaign is a challenge to the present political consensus.
I will now seek support from all sections of the movement. At next Saturday's conference of the Labour representation committee we will debate the policies needed by a real Labour government and the way in which we can reinvigorate democratic participation in the party.
From September this campaign will be travelling the country, convening meetings face to face with party members, supporters and the general public to discuss the issues facing us. We will be urging those thousands of Labour party members who have left the party to rejoin and those who are no longer active supporters to re-engage.
We are launching a campaign website today and we will use every possible means of communication and new technology to stimulate this debate and get our message across.
The campaign will be waged in an open, comradely and friendly manner based upon a debate on the policies not personalities.
Let the debate begin."
* * * * * * * * * *
Nittama li l-kampanja li nieda McDonnell din il-ġimgħa tkun biss il-bidu tat-tiġdid tal-kawża tal-klassi tal-ħaddiema Ingliża, u wkoll, ta' dak il-ftit li għad fadal mill-Partit Laburista Ingliż.
Nispera wkoll li s-suċċess ferm mixtieq ta' din il-kampanja jirriżulta, illum qabel għada, f'bidla radikali fil-politika barranija ta' l-Ingilterra, b'mod speċjali f'dak li għandu x'jaqsam mat-tmiem darba għal dejjem ta' din l-alleanza politika Anglosassona, li qiegħda kullmajmur ittappan dejjem iżjed il-prospetti ta' xi ftit inqas diżordni u inġustizzji fil-komunità u l-affarijiet internazzjonali.
U nittama wkoll, li John McDonnell, ma jiddiżappuntaniex kif għoġbu jagħmel Tony Blair, u li għall-inqas jerġa' jieħu l-Partit tal-Ħaddiema Ingliż lura fl-għeruq xellugin tiegħu. Meta wieħed iqis il-kriżi attwali li baqgħet baqgħet sakemm qerdet għalkollox ir-raison d'être ta' dan il-partit, din weħidha diġà tkun biċċa xogħol liema bħalha. Minn hemm imbagħad nimxu.

Is-sitwazzjoni attwali fir-Renju Unit u lil hinn mhix daqstant promettenti. Jekk niġu f'dan lanqas f'art twelidna. Aktarx lura wisq ma tantx nistgħu mmorru. Mela forsi issa things can only get better.
Mużika: Things Can Only Get Better - D:Ream
(Ironikament, din hija l-istess sigla li kien uża Tony Blair fl-1997, meta kien rebaħ l-ewwel elezzjoni tiegħu. Din mhix xi silta li togħġobni wisq, iżda naraha ferm adattata għal din il-bloggata. Niddedika din is-silta lis-Soċjalisti kollha madwar id-dinja, speċjalment lil sieħbi minn Spanja Pablo Sanchez, li jaħdem f'Londra mar-rivista Socialist Appeal, il-vuċi Marxista fi ħdan il-Moviment Laburista Ingliż. Socialismo y libertad Pablo!).
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